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Early Career Framework at Churchdown School

We are working in partnership with Best Practice Network to deliver the Early Career Framework for Early Career Teachers (ECTs) in the first two years of their profession. This DfE-funded programme is open to all schools in Gloucestershire and the surrounding area.

Schools need to register their ECT and Mentor details through the DfE online service. Schools can access their DfE account and the latest information from the DfE here.

What is the Early Career Development Programme?

From September 2021, the government has been funding an entitlement for all early career teachers in England to access high-quality professional development at the start of their career with a view to greater teacher support and retention.

New teachers receive developmental support and training over 2 years instead of one, underpinned by the DfE’s Early Career Framework reforms.


How much does the Early Career Development Programme cost?

The programme is funded by the DfE and freely available for all state-maintained academies and schools in England.


What does the funding provide for?

The DfE funding provides for the full 2-year induction of an early career teacher (consisting of 122 learning hours over the duration of the programme). There is a further 36 hours of funded training for an in-school mentor (see images below).


ECT learning hours across the two years


ECM learning hours across the two years



As well as full access to the programme outlined above, the DfE funding provides for:

  • 10% time-off timetable in Year 1 and a further 5% off timetable in Year 2 for ECTs to undertake induction activities including training and mentoring
  • funding for mentors to spend with ECTs in their second year of induction - this is based on 20 hours of mentoring across the academic year


How do I register my ECT and ECM for the Early Career Induction Programme?

Schools access their DfE account and the latest information on registering their ECTs and ECMs here:


ECF Schools Dashboard

The Best Practice Network ECF School Dashboard is a user-friendly way for Headteachers and Induction Tutors to find and view key information about their ECTs and Mentors.

Key benefits include

  • Monitor ECT / Mentor registrations and information
  • ECT / mentor programme schedules to support with engagement, workload planning and staff cover
  • Make changes to participant details
  • Access the latest newsletters, policies and guidance
  • Monitor ECT and mentor progress and attendance (from Sept 22)

To find out more about the School Dashboard please visit

All Induction Tutors are also granted access to the BPN Virtual Learning Environment (Canvas) which provides a detailed and interactive view of their ECT / mentor learning.


Further Information

Click the images below to discover more about the great support now available for early career teachers in your school:


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Contact Best Practice Network:

+44 (0) 117 920 9200


Or speak to us at Churchdown School:

Andrew Coates – Assistant Headteacher

01452 713340