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Churchdown Academy school has distinct layers of governance which enables clear accountability for the running of the school supported by effective governance.

Members hold the Trust board to account for the effective governance of the academy trust but have minimal involvement in running the Trust. They are the guardians of the governance of the Trust and they will need to assure themselves that the standard of governance is high. Members have a distinct but limited role and NGA summarise this as follows:

  • Ensure the success of the trust.
  • Sign the Memorandum and Articles of Association.
  • Determine the name of the trust.
  • Appoint Members and Trustees.
  • Appoint and remove the auditors.
  • Receive a copy of the annual report and accounts.
  • Meet at least once a year at an Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  • Dissolve the trust.


The Board of Trustees has three strategic core functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff.
  • Overseeing financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

The Board of Trustees recognises the following as a fourth core function of governance:

  • Ensuring voices of stakeholders are heard.


The Trust Board has adopted the Circle Model of Governance and meets 7 times a year working collectively as a whole team.

Each Trustee has a link role including key areas such as: Safeguarding, SEND and Health & Safety.

The Board of Trustees is supported by a Finance, Premises and Audit committee which has clear terms of reference. The committee is responsible for monitoring all aspects of the school’s Finances, Premises including Health and Safety and Audit and Risk. It will make necessary recommendations to the Trust Board to ensure financial viability and proper resourcing of the school.

The Board has also established a Pay Committee which meets as required to ensure that all pay determinations are carried out in accordance with the school’s pay policies and procedures.

The Trust Board will establish several ad hoc panels including, but not limited to, Pay Appeals, Exclusions, Complaints, Discipline (staff) and Staff Appeals.

The remit of Members, the Board, its committees and Executive Leaders is determined in the Scheme of Delegation which is reviewed and agreed by the Trustees on an annual basis.

The Chair of the Trust Board is Mrs Poppy Scott Plummer.

The Chair of the Finance and Resources committee is Mrs Gemina Davie.

The Governance Professional (Clerk to the Board) is Mrs Kate Shepherd. If you wish to contact the Trustees or would like any further information about the Board, please email the Clerk in the first instance –