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The Parent Pledge

The White Paper (2022) states that 'The Parent Pledge' is a promise from government, via schools, to families, that any child who falls behind in English or maths should receive timely and evidence-based support to enable them to reach their potential.

Therefore, the role Churchdown plays in this process is to outline how we will ensure all students, no matter their context, will be given all necessary provision to achieve their potential in maths and English and indeed all subjects. In reality, there is nothing new for Churchdown here as we have always strived to ensure all students reach their full potential, in all subjects and not just English and maths.

How will these be achieved?  

Quality of teaching

Teacher expertise are an essential part to any students’ success. Therefore, we will ensure that the training out teachers receive is world-class and meets the context of all students.   

Reliable assessment

Already in place is robust, reliable assessment to identify children who need extra help, and offer targeted, evidence-based support to these children. This will then lead to the right students receiving the right additional support.  

Additional support

We will ensure all children are able to get the support they need beyond the classroom as needed. This maybe in the form of additional sessions with a teacher, learning support worker or a sixth-form mentor. Every student is entitled to this provision.

Use of best research

Sharing of good practice will continue to be a strength of our school as we form new partnerships, as well as build upon establish new ones. We understand that we are stronger for your children when we learn from other high performing schools. Therefore, this will continue to be a focus for us.  

If you wish to discuss our provision for your child at Churchdown School, please contact and request a call-back. One of our achievement leaders will then be able to answer any questions and discuss this matter with you further.