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Personal Social Health and Economic Education

Churchdown School’s PSHE curriculum is dedicated to ensuring that all pupils develop a deep, balanced, and thorough understanding of the issues that they will face and the decisions that they will make as they develop into adulthood. The curriculum challenges pupils to embrace important issues that affect them directly as they grow up and to establish an understanding of the complexity of these issues in the wider world. It encourages them to develop and articulate their own views whilst learning to understand and respect the views of others so that they can make positive, well informed and independent choices.

Through the acquisition of powerful knowledge, we aim to challenge pupils intellectually and deepen their understanding of a variety of issues to enable them to make sense of their own views and place in the wider community. Our varied and enriching lessons encourage pupils to develop the skills that they need to analyse, openly discuss, and reflect on possible outcomes in different situations that may face. We prepare pupils to be forward thinking so that they have the skills to make positive life choices. Our lessons promote open mindedness and are underpinned by mutual respect.

The curriculum is sequenced to ensure that pupils re-visit key themes within an age-appropriate context. This approach enables pupils to develop the skills and understanding that they need to interpret increasingly complex issues in a personal and global context. PSHE at Churchdown School Academy is intellectually challenging and personally enriching. It encourages pupils to be curious and to develop an appreciation of the diverse world in which we live. Pupils are encouraged to see beyond their immediate circumstances and to seek out ambitious opportunities for their future. We aim to provide a curriculum that challenges pupils pre-conceptions, promotes acceptance and inspires ambition in all of its forms.

Key Stage 3 Overview

Pupils in Key stage 3 have two lessons a fortnight. The curriculum is in line with the guidance from the PSHE Association and is taught through three themes:

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Living in the Wider World
  • Relationships (Details of what is taught can be found in our relationships and sex education policy which can be found on our website.)

Two novels have been selected for each year group to read in PSHE lessons throughout the course of the year. The novels have been chosen specifically as a backdrop to each scheme of work to ensure that students are able to connect with themes and issues on a greater level, developing greater awareness and empathy for topics such as prejudice, bullying, sexuality or gang culture.

The curriculum will be delivered by a team of specialist teachers and supported through targeted events with outside agencies such as theatre companies or outside speakers.

KS 3 Curriculum Outline

Year 7:

Unit 1: Transition to secondary school; personal safety; online safety; basic first aid

Unit 2: Careers; teamwork; enterprise skills

Unit 3: Diversity; prejudice; bullying

Unit 4: Health; puberty; consent; FGM

Unit 5: Saving; borrowing; budgeting

Unit 6: Romance; friendships; online relationships; boundaries 

To support the curriculum, Year 7 pupils will read the following novels:

  • The Weight of Water
  • My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece

Year 8:

Unit 1: Discrimination including racism, sexism, religious, disability, homophobia, transphobia

Unit 2: Digital literacy: online safety, media reliability, gambling hooks

Unit 3: Peer pressure in relation to drugs and alcohol use

Unit 4: Community and careers including equality and opportunity

Unit 5: Identity and relationships including gender identity, sexual orientation and consent

Unit 6: Emotional Wellbeing: mental health, body image and coping strategies

To support the curriculum, Year 8 pupils will read the following novels:

  • Noughts and Crosses
  • Boy Meets boy 

Year 9:

Unit 1: Respectful relationships: Families, healthy relationships, homelessness

Unit 2: Healthy lifestyles: Diet, exercise, lifestyle choices

Unit 3: Setting goals: GCSE and career options

Unit 4: Peer influence in relation to substance use and knife crime

Unit 5: Intimate relationships: sex education, consent, contraception, impact of pornography

Unit 6: Employability skills and positive online presence

To support the curriculum, Year 8 pupils will read the following novels:

  • The Outsiders
  • Boys Don’t Cry


Key Stage 4 Overview

In Key Stage 4, pupils will receive targeted sessions each term which will take place during their Prep lessons. These sessions will be delivered by a range of outside speakers and will address issues such as healthy relationships, healthy lifestyles and ambitious aspirations.