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Exams and Results




Results Day

A-Level Results - 15th August 2022

GCSE Results - 22th August 2022

Specific details will be announced after the summer exams.

Timetables for internal and external exams will be available in the featured content once they are finalised.

If you have any further queries please contact the Mrs Dinwoodie - Examinations Officer on 01452 713340.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: I Want to go on Holiday after the exams?

A: If you are looking to book a holiday and you have a student in Year 11 or
Year 13, please ensure holidays are booked after their last exam.
If your child is taking a BTEC, iMedia or Cambridge Technical exam they must check with
their subject teacher that all their coursework is up to date, completed and where improve
can be made that this work has been completed prior to taking any holiday. These courses
can have results submitted right up until the end of the academic year in July.
If your child is in Year 10 or 12, then the school academic year continues after the
exams and they break up at the end of July with the rest of the


Q: What happens on the day of the exam?

A: Students must arrive at least 15 minutes before the exam start time and line
up in silence in the main playground (or will be advised where if raining).
Their name will be called out and they will go in an orderly fashion into the
exam room.

Silence must be adhered to at all times once they have entered the exam

On every desk there will be a plastic wallet with a number. We would ask
that students place any watches, mobile phones, mp3 players and all
electronic devises into the wallet and take the number out of the wallet.
The wallets will be collected before the start of the exam and will remain in a
box until the end of the exam, at which time the student will exchange their
number for the contents of this wallet.

We would recommend any valuables are put into these wallets rather than be
stored in their bags in the changing rooms.

The safest place for mobile phones, watches, mp3 and ipods/ipads and
tablets is either at home or handed in.

Whilst the school accepts no responsibility for items handed in, the box of
wallets will remain in the exam room unless a mobile phone or alarm goes
off in this box, whereupon it will be taken to the exam office until the end of
the exam to prevent any further disruption.


Q: What equipment do i need?

A: Students please come equipped for all exams
They will need a black pen, pencil, rubber and ruler.
They will also need a calculator for some papers, and coloured pens and
The school does not supply any equipment if you have forgotten to bring it
with you.
They may also bring a bottle of water in a clear unlabelled bottle should they
need to.
Invigilators are on hand to help, and any problems should be reported to the
invigilator immediately. They are there to help you, and ensure you have the
best possible environment to take your exam and want you to succeed.


Q: My child is ill on the day of the exam?

A: If your child is ill on the morning or afternoon of an exam, or there is
a family emergency it is vital that you contact the school immediately.
We can then discuss the options which may be available to you.
We will ask for proof of their absence, such as a doctor’s note,
hospital letter as we may be asked for this by the exam board.
Illness does happen, so don’t panic. Contact the school immediately
and let us know and what can be done to help.


Q: What are the charges relating to exams?

A: Exam Charging Policy


Q: What do i need to do on results day? 


If your child is away on results day, then you can obtain your results as follows: -
1. Give the Exam Office a Stamped Address Envelope (An A5 with stamp is fine). This is
addressed to the student, and results will be posted to you. Please remember to
include tutor group.

2. Someone can collect them on the student’s behalf. Int this instance we must have a
written letter of authority signed by the student which names the person collecting
on their behalf. That person must bring a proof of ID. We will not give results based
on text messages, parents turning up without consent, or friends trying to collect

3. No results will be issued if there are fees outstanding for missed exams
If you have any queries whatsoever concerning external examinations, please

Mrs Dinwoodie – Examinations officer 01452 713340 ext. 215 or by email


Q: How do I collect my exam certificates? What happens if I lose them?

A: Exam Certificates are extremely important documents and should be kept safe
for at least 50 years from leaving full time education. They are a record of grades
received and employers in the future will want to see them.

Exam certificates are started to be distributed usually around January each year.
Students who have left will either be emailed, if an email address has been given
to the school or written to. Students who are still in school will be notified

All certificates must be signed for and if collected by a relative then a letter of
authority signed by the student must be produced.

After 5 years, in accordance with Exam Board rules, Certificates are destroyed.
If you have lost your certificates or never collected them and they have been
destroyed, then you will need to go to:

Replacement Exam Certificates


Important Documents

JCQ Exam Poster

JCQ Warning to Candidates

JCQ Information to Candidates

JCQ Information to Candidates for Non-examination Assessments

JCQ Information to Candidates for Coursework Assessments

JCQ Information to Candidates for Controlled Assessments