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School Life

The video below showcases some of our amazing students and what they think about their time here at Churchdown. You can also read about other opportunities there are for our students here such as being involved on the School Parliament. 


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Student Mentors

Year 10 pupils can apply to be Year 11 mentors for new Year 7 pupils. This is a very high profile role, beginning with the Year 6 pupils’ induction programme and then working with individual pupils and whole form groups to ensure all new pupils have a smooth transition from primary school to Churchdown School.

Student Guides

Pupils from all year groups support the school at open evenings by acting as guides, showing visitors around the school and talking about their experiences at Churchdown School.

Sports Captains

At the start of the academic year, two students are elected from each Tutor Group to act as a link between their Tutor Group and the PE department.  They are responsible for organising teams to play in inter-tutor events, and to coordinate their Tutor Group during Sport Day. They also represent the views of their Tutor Group regarding current and future sporting events at Churchdown School.