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The Sally Thomas Collection

The Sally Thomas Collection is a collection of dresses donated by others for students to borrow for Prom or other special occasions. It has been set up by Ms Wisbey who worked closely alongside Sally at Churchdown School for 18 years, before Sally died of cancer in September 2020. 

"Sally was a huge fan of Prom - indeed any celebratory occasion. She was highly skilled in media production and in particular photography;  for many years she photographed and videoed key events at the school. She believed passionately that no-one should miss out and that every opportunity for fun or excitement should be embraced. For this reason, the Collection has been set up in her name to enable any-one to feel fabulous for their special event."

We very much hope the Collection will grow and be well used.  We have dresses ranging from size 6 to size 20 in all sorts of colours and styles. We just ask the dresses are return clean after use. 


The Sally Thomas Collection

If you would like to borrow or donate a dress, contact