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A-Level and BTEC Results

Students at Churchdown School opened their A Level and Btec results last Thursday. Results that they had worked very hard for. Despite the challenging circumstance in which this year’s results were awarded, there is a lot to be proud of for our students and indeed school.  

Our core purpose in Churchdown is to empower students to take their next steps with confidence. In these challenging circumstances this remained our focus; to ensure every student progressed onto the next step of their journey towards their ambitious futures.  The high aspirations of our students is reflected in the record number of  applications to university this year and with the vast majority gaining their first-choice place at one of the country’s top Universities. Mrs Whitson-Jones, Head of Sixth Form, and the team were proud to see the students receive their first choice of university places. The team were also on hand to offer support to those who needed additional help to secure an alternative route. 

We are extremely proud of the huge range of career paths that our students have chosen to follow from Games Design to Biochemistry, from Zoology to Fashion Design, from Performing Arts to Cyber Security.  Each student has worked hard to follow their personal  aspirations and have been supported by the commitment  of our teachers and parents to ensure they reach their goal. 

The following students have performed highly in their time with us and we would like to mention their personal success as they follow exciting career paths: 


Ed Blackburn- Mathematical Physics 

Ella Curtis- Environmental Science 

Joy Brixey- Fine Art 

Jacob Brown- English Literature 

Catherine Ireland- Film/Television 

Kim Murch- Fashion Design 

Amber Rivers- Psychology 

Hannah Schnieder- Zoology 

Mckenzie Temple- Midwifery 

Connor Allen- Media Production 

Amber Tyas- Biomedical Science 

Maddi Kort- Art and Design 

Jamie Sinclair- Ancient history and Archeology 

Daisy Holton- Criminology 

Kyania May- Forensic  Science 

George Hemming- Civil Engineering

We are confident our students leaving school this summer can look forward to a very bright future in their chosen careers. On a personal note it has been a pleasure to work with such a bright, enthusiastic and resilient year group  and we all wish them luck in their next steps. 

 Kind regards, Mr Potter